Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Nick Fairley: Busted for pot

Nick Fairley/Courtesy: al.com-mobile county sheriffs dept.

This is kind of silly. Except he's a professional athlete who is on his offseason, so it's not as crazy as it kind of sounds.

Detroit Lions defensive tackle Nick Fairley was arrested and charged with 2nd degree Marijuana possession Tuesday afternoon in Mobile, Alabama.

Before you ask what he was doing in Mobile, it's the Auburn graduate's hometown.

According to Al.com, Fairley was arrested after he was seen speeding through a Mobile neighborhood. And yes, that's when the pot was found.

Read more from Al.com RIGHT HERE

Not to slough this off, but Fairley will probably be fined and may be put on probation for this, but that will be all. Yes, its incredibly stupid on his part, but keep in mind, he's still a relative youngster who's now got a ton of money. And it seems like quite frequently, that is a recipe for idiocy. Perhaps we need to come up with a professional version of the Fulmer Cup.

**((Note--We forgot to mention, this comes on the heel of Fairley's teammate, Mikel Leshoure getting busted for pot on Monday. Detroit Lions= your early leaders???))

Any thoughts?

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