Monday, September 10, 2012

Doctors In Morosini Case Face Manslaughter Charges

Three doctors are being investigated for alleged manslaughter in the April the death of Italian footballer Piermario Morosini.

Morosini collapsed and died during Livorno's Serie B match at Pescara after an on-field heart attack. Tests later revealed he suffered from an inherited heart disease. There has been no indication that this was ever picked up by any examination or physical during his entire playing career.

Here's the incident, somewhat edited down... and it's not for the squeamish...
((HT: Forzapescara/youtube))

The physicians for both teams Ernesto Sabatini and Manlio Porcellini are being investigated as is the head of Pescara's emergency services.

The three doctors were the first to attend to Morosini in, what is appearing more and more, a comedy of errors.

There are claims that a defibrillator was not on the match site and that the ambulance that took Morosini off the pitch had problems getting there since it was blocked by another car.

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