Thursday, May 2, 2013

D.C. Council Strong Suggestion To Redskins, Change Your Name To Redtails

[HT: Washington Post]

Washington Redtails!

If D.C. Council member David Grosso has his way the Washington Redskins would be forced to change their name to "Redtails".

Grosso is preparing to introduce a resolution calling on the Redskins to change to the Redtails.  Grosso is an independent council member and plans to pursue the non-binding resolution because the current name is "a derogatory, racist name".

"It's been a long time that we have had this name associated with Washington, and I think it is time we take a stand and change it." Grosso said.

Grosso's suggestion is to change to the Washington Redtails noting that was the nickname of the Tuskegee Airmen.

“You can still sing the song and everything,” Grosso said.

Sing with me: "Hail to the Redtails....."  I don't think so.

According to Grosso the team could still keep the feather. 

In a bit of irony I'm watching "A Football Life: John Riggins" as I write this.  Just curious what Riggo would feel about this.  I'm sure "WTF" would be used numerous times.

By the way, Cowboys/Redtails doesn't have the same ring to it.

Whenever the issue of Native American nicknames come up I'm always remind of what a prominent member of the Navajo nation told me years ago when I lived out west.  That those nicknames celebrate their heritage and without that recognition the tribes and culture would be slowly be forgotten.

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