Tuesday, May 7, 2013

DEVELOPING: Jays JA Happ Hit In Head With Line Drive (UPDATED More Than Once)

((HT: Sportsnet/MLB))

First, here's what happened...
It's not pretty...

The latest:

Happ was transported to hospital after 11 minutes of treatment on the field after getting struck on the side of the head after a pitch was hit back to him off the bat of the Rays Desmond Jennings.

Scary stat from Globe and Mail's Tom Maloney... the play where Cleveland Indians pitcher Herb Score was hit by a Gil McDougal line drive was exactly 56 years ago.

The only update, as of 2300 HRS comes from Heidi Watney where the Blue Jays themselves say "he's still undergoing tests. He was conscious in the ambulance on the way to the hospital..."

More when we know more...

WEDNESDAY UPDATE: From Shi Davidi and his Twitter

Happ discharged from hospital with bandage on his head and brace on right knee

He was diagnosed with a fractured skull that he is told will heal on its own. He also tweaked his right knee in the incident.
Happ held a press conference at the Trop earlier Wednesday and he admits that he feels really fortunate...
((HT: Sportsnet))

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