Thursday, May 2, 2013

Habs Eller Under Observation After Gryba Hit (UPDATED TWICE)


First, we'll just show you the hit...
Eric Gryba on Lars Eller...
Gryba ended up with an interference penalty and a game misconduct... Eller bled like a stuck pig, was taken to hospital where CBC's Cassie Campbell-Pascall relayed that Eller has both face and neck injuries, but is under observation where he'll stay for the night... And, probably, longer... FRIDAY UPDATE: via Twitter and Dr_Habs Quote from Olaf Eller (Lars' father) "The results of the scanning shows not bleeding inside the brain and their is no jaw fracture there might be some small fractures on the cheekbone, teeth lost and a broken nose. So he got away with it with a fair amount of luck" Eller has been released from hospital after what the NHL's Darryl Haberman lists on his Twitter as "sustaining concussion, facial fractures, losing consciousness and teeth last night."

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