Friday, June 6, 2014

OSG High BREAKING: Dallas ISD Fires 15 After Recruiting Scandal


The Dallas Independent School District’s Professional Standards Office launched an investigation into possible illegal recruiting practices after the March 24 death of Wilmer-Hutchins basketball player Troy Causey. Madison basketball player Johnathan Turner has been charged with killing him during a fight.

They were living under the same roof, but neither were living in the district of the school that they were attending to play high school basketball.

In May, DISD officials placed the two head coaches — John Burley, from Wilmer-Hutchins High School, and Roderick Johnson, from Madison High School — on administrative leave during the internal investigation.

After the Causey death, his mother came forward to explain how this all came to be.
Brett Shipp investigated
This afternoon DISD Superintendent Mike Miles announced a boat-load of firings as a result. 11 employees in total- coaches, assistant coaches and staff from the schools were fired after the investigation. 10 of the employees were terminated for falsifying documents. The eleventh employee was fired for "improperly obtaining and sharing student records." Four members of the central office with "direct responsibilities in the area" were also "relieved of their duties." The names were not released by Miles at the time of his presser because the firings were still happening- this being the last day of the school year. "... the district is submitting a letter to the University Interscholastic League today to self-report the findings of the investigation." Miles said in a release. "Players at two of our schools were ineligible to participate in UIL-sanctioned games but still played. It will be up to the UIL State Executive Committee to determine any action, including the possible forfeiture of games that may be required of us."
The HQ thinks both schools are in trouble in that regard...

More when we know more...

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