Friday, March 1, 2013

DEVELOPING: Montana QB Found Not Guilty In Rape Case

((HT: Montanas News Station))

Suspended Montana Grizzlies QB Jordan Johnson was accused of rape in a case after a February 2012 incident where the woman involved said that she was raped while Johnson maintains the sex was consensual.

The jury deliberated for three hours before coming back with their not guilty verdict...

The jury deliberated over the idea that the woman said, in testimony, shortly after they started kissing that Johnson pulled off her pants and forced her to have sex even though she told him "no" multiple times.

Johnson, when he took the stand, said the woman let him completely undress her and that she never told him "no." He also said that, if she did, he would have stopped.

One exchange with his attorney:

Defense Attorney Kirsten Pabst: "Why would you have stopped?"

Johnson: "Because that's how I was raised by my parents is to respect people."

Here's Johnson's testimony in full from earlier in the week...
((HT: Montana Kaimin))

More when we know more...

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