Thursday, March 22, 2012

Your Tebow Headlines in New York

The New York Post/Ctsy:
Yeah, we can't resist. We feel compelled to do this...or something like that. It's kind of..a little like watching a train wreck or whatever it is that draws people to watch some of the incredibly bizarre reality TV shows that now exist in our universe.

We find it utterly fascinating that The Tebow is now in The Big Apple. Land of tabloid newspapers. Place of maniacal football fans who nitpick over every detail of their team.

Kind of like SEC Football fans.

Yeah, we know, the rank and file Florida fanatics are mystified as to why the hometown Jacksonville Jaguars didn't try harder to get him.

NY Daily News/Courtesy:
And yeah, it would have been a great novelty thing for a year or two, but unless he developed with the lack of talent around him into something he currently isn't, the Jaguars would be assured of never getting any better than they are.

The flip side is Blaine Gabbert isn't making anybody think he is a savior either. And Tebow probably would be an improvement.

You may be right.

The thing that we think of here, and we know the Florida/Jacksonville faithful are loathe to admit it is that the guy isn't everything you think he is. In fact, we'll probably be called haters or worse for saying this...but The Tebow is in this for him.

Think about it.

The marketing opportunities on a national basis in New York as opposed to Jacksonville. They are probably 10,000 times least. But we aren't disparaging the River City because he would have been the face of the franchise, but when push comes to shove, it is still Jacksonville, market 49 in the world of TV. We love Jacksonville, heck, we lived there for several years and have a lot of friends there, but there is no comparison.

But it ain't New York.

No, we feel, strongly, that this was a marketing based decision on The Tebow and his handlers part. We don't begrudge either party for it. They are doing what they feel is in their best interest. And heck, Mark Sanchez, despite his contract extension isn't reminding anyone of Joe Namath either.

Tebow will be a role player in New York. And if they can tailor what they do to his skill set, he can be very successful at it. And if he can be successful at it, he will be a HUGE marketing commodity. And again, Florida folks who look at him as this god-like figure: He isn't that different than other pro athletes, they are all in this for the money and fame.

And ultimately, like it or not, that is what it is all about.

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