Friday, January 17, 2014

The End is Near: Power Schools Likely To Break Away


The end is near. The BCS may be dead, but it's future will be frighteningly similar.

Why? Because what we told you was going to happen in July is about to come to fruition. The NCAA, at it's annual meetings this week has all but decreed the Big 5 Conferences (ACC, Big 10, Big 12, Pac 12 and SEC) are about to break off into their own division.

And no, we don't know what they are going to call it....yet.

The NCAA's annual convention has been taking place all week in San Diego. And rough polling by Yahoo Sports indicate that when NCAA president Mark Emmert, presents a proposal to the full group to approve the move, it will pass.

Read an explanation from Yahoo Sports writer Pat Forde RIGHT HERE

We first told you this might happen back in July. Read that story RIGHT HERE

What does this mean to you?

A lot.

First off, it eliminates the chance anyone outside of these conferences ever playing for College Football's national title on the highest level. Although realistically, there was little chance anyone from the MAC, AAC or other smaller D-1 (FCS) schools were ever going to do that.

Second, part of the proposal will essentially allow the power schools to break from NCAA regulations and pay players, something the smaller schools without TV money can't afford to do, but the big guys can.

If you thought the end of the BCS and beginning of the playoff system was going to change the College Football landscape, you ain't seen nothin' yet.This is a doozy.

Because it has yet to be put in place, there are multiple ways it can play out, but here's what we think will happen. The "Power Schools" will get their own division. They'll play, for the most part each other, with the Top 4 teams going to the playoff. The other schools, will filter down through the bowl system.

The "Others", well, they'll have their own division, we're guessing something similar to the FBS or old 1-AA. However, we don't necessarily know if they'll do a playoff like the FBS does. The FBS has been hemorraging schools over the past decade and we wonder if the remaining schools will filter down to Division II.

That may not happen, but folks, we're telling you now, this is a game changer. It's most definitely a case of the "Rich Getting Richer" and unless you are a fan of a "Power Conference" school, you are shit out of luck. Everyone else will be regulated to the Regional Sports Networks of the world. (Hope you have them). The Big Boys will be your games on the major networks, unless you happen to be chosen to be a sacrificial lamb for a big school looking for an easy win.

We are following this issue closely, and will keep you updated on how it progresses.

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