Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Now It's The NCAA's Turn On Concussions... Have Fun...

Three ex-NCAA football players, two of whom played at the University of Tennessee only two years ago, have filed suit against the NCAA didn't educate them about concussions risk and didn't do enough to prevent, diagnose and treat brain injuries.

Chris Walker and Ben Martin from UT-K along with Dan Ahern, who played for North Carolina State from 1972-76, filed a class-action lawsuit in federal court in Chattanooga, Tennessee.

Here's a feature on Walker from UTSports

And one on Martin...
((HT: knoxnews))

The lawsuit was filed by Washington-based attorney Michael Hausfeld, who is also the lead attorney in the Ed O'Bannon case against the NCAA.

((Commence spooky music...))

"The NCAA has not taken the necessary steps to protect these former players even though the medical tools to assist them have been available for some time," Hausfeld said in a statement. "It is not too late now for the NCAA to offer important education and needed medical testing to these former players."

Walker and Martin now claim to suffer headaches from the repeated head trauma and Ahern says he can't concentrate, his memory is not what it once was, he has ringing in his ears, and he can't sleep because of his injuries. He also claims to have been forced into retirement at age 50 and disability six years ago because of all this.

Conventional wisdom has the NCAA in a lot of trouble if Hausfeld gets to run with the concussion suit as much as he has run with the O'Bannon suit...

This does not look good at all...

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