Thursday, May 9, 2013

ICYMI: Jaguars Fans Publicly Fight Over The Tebow


Okay, this is kind of funny, though in a bit of a snarky way.

It appears there is a rash of conflicting emotions for the souls of football fans in North Florida. And for some reason, the cause of this confusion is over the man many in that part of the country, along with ESPN, consider a god, Tim Tebow.

There's been much discussion in Sports talk circles, local media and the fanbase of the Jacksonville Jaguars over the fate of the local legend.

Many Jaguars fans, albeit those with more of an emotional than rational stake in the matter are desperately trying to get the local team to sign the free agent quarterback. So much so that a group of them have launched a petition on the White House website to advocate the signing. Trying at every corner to appeal to Jaguars owner Shad Khan.

Good luck with that.

Also, a prominent (mostly through TV ads) Orlando area attorney by the name of John Morgan (For the People) has taken out ads advocating the same move.

Yes, and there's a reason Mr. Morgan isn't a Football scout.

For every yin, there's a yang and in this case, another group of Jacksonville fans is trying to get the word out that they don't want Tebow on their team.

A group called the "Bold City Brigade" has launched a website as a response to Mr. Morgan's ad. The website they came up with is rather simple. You go there and click on a big check mark if you agree the Jaguars don't need their Tebow.

A link to that site is RIGHT HERE

All of this hullabaloo is quite amusing to the rest of the country and for good reason. Yes, we lived in North Florida for several years and have many friends who are Jaguars and Tebow fans. And we admire their passion and belief that The Tebow can cure all ills.

And really, despite our hatred of what ESPN and other national outlets have made the guy into, we truly feel sorry for him. It's very obvious that he deeply wants a chance to try and be an NFL quarterback. And that is to be respected.

But there is a virtual consensus among coaches and others that he doesn't possess the skills and/or knowledge to do it. There's no shame in dreaming big and striving for that success. There isn't.

But there also needs to be some acknowledgement that it may not happen.

We empathize with both sides of the Great Tebow to Jacksonville debate and know well where it's born from. In North Florida, to be a mega-successful high school player, Hall-of-Fame worthy College Football player--from the University of Florida grants you a status unlike most others.

But what the many of the Jaguars and to an extent Florida Gator faithful fail to remember is not every great College Player is a successful pro. There is a lengthy list of Heisman Trophy winners who did nothing in the NFL.

When you combine that with the circus-like national media obsession that comes with the guy, think about it. Why would you ever want to bring that kind of atmosphere to a team desperately trying to regain a foothold in the collective football consciousness?

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