Thursday, May 2, 2013

Why The Stanley Cup Is A Big Deal

((ht: puckdaddy))

This is pure awesomeness.

If you ever want to know why you should watch the Stanley Cup Playoffs, you should watch this video.

If you ever want to know what Canada does better than the U.S, you should watch this video. (It was produced by the CBC)

For most of us here in the states, we don't pay a lot of attention to Hockey most of the year. Much like the NBA, the regular season goes on forever. But unlike the NBA, when it comes to the playoffs, there are few things more intense or amazing to watch.

Hockey's playoff's, they, at least in our opinion (OSG Sports), every bit as exciting and fun to watch as March Madness.

((**--Note-- We don't include the NBA Playoff's as exciting, because much like the regular season, they drone on...........forever))

Check out the Canadian Broadcast Company's (CBC) Hockey Night in Canada open to kick off their Stanley Cup Coverage--yeah, the song is used too much for commercials in the states, but it's perfect for this.

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