Monday, April 2, 2012

MN Gov: State funding for Vikings stadium could be a problem

Proposed Stadium/Courtesy:

It appears that all is not rosy in the state of Minnesota when it comes to the plan to finance the states part of the Vikings new stadium.

According to a published report this weekend, state house legislators had worked out a compromise bill that would raise the money needed to pay off their part of the deal by using what are called "Tipboards".

We will profess our general lack of knowledge and skill when it comes to the proverbial games of chance. In other words, we really don't know what a "Tipboard" is. Whatever they are, according to Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton, they are apparently illegal.

From what we could gather on the internets, tipboards are essentially like buying a numbered square in a checkerboard game. For example if you had the number 3 on the vertical side and 0 on the other and the score after the 1st quarter is 13-10, then you win.

Oh, you have to pay for the square 1st. And apparently, the state believes they can raise a substantial amount of money this way.

Read the story which explains it better, RIGHT HERE


Proposed Stadium Complex/Courtesy:
We respect the fact the state is desperately trying to come up with a way to pony up money for a new stadium. But we'll be honest here (and a bit political--sorry), in the current climate, states, counties, cities and the feds all are claiming they need to either cut back or stop spending. But yet they will spend countless millions on something like this. And no, nobody is going to want a tax increase to fund it. And what will end up happening is city or state services will have to cut services further to pay for it. Which is great if you want such a thing, but not everybody does.

Okay, sorry for the political rant. We are just really cynical of governments that on one hand claim they have no money for anything, but on the other hand can find a way to fund a $300+ million stadium that only a small percentage of the populace will get to use. And yes, we understand if they won't build it,someone else will, that doesn't change the just relocates it.

Here's Jeff Goldberg with more from an indoor location...
((HT: MyFoxTwinCities))

Vikings Stadium New Images Released:

Here's John Croman at the capital...

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