Friday, May 9, 2014

Oscar Pistorius Week 7: Day 5- Ballistics Debates

((HT: SABC Digital News))

The defense is now bringing their own ballistics experts on the stand to refute the positioning of Reeva Steenkamp as she was trying to defend herself (or not) in the bathroom at the time of Oscar Pistorius opening fire into his bathroom.

The prosecution maintains that Steenkamp was trying to defend herself behind the door when Pistorius started shooting at, what he thought, was an intruder. They are saying she sitting on a magazine rack in the bathroom. The defense is maintaining that Steenkamp was falling backwards into the toilet.

The defense position is trying to reinforce that they weren't arguing that night.
Prosecutor Gerrie Nel challenged the position saying the idea didn't make sense...

Here's session one...

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