Sunday, September 2, 2012

DEVELOPING: Swedish Soccer Player Dies On Pitch

((HT: Newspaper, Hogstrom))

The 29-year-old former captain of the Swedish Pitea IF, Victor Brannstrom, collapsed on the pitch after scoring a goal in his League 4 game in Sweden earlier Sunday
(the ambulance is pictured right, thanks

Pitea was playing Umedalen when it happened...

From Hogstrom's article:

"Then I turn around and when he is just there. I blew off and ran over there and see that something is serious. It was not hard to see that he was seriously ill," according to referee Roland Adelsson.

Press Service of Piteå hospitals report that Victor Brännströms heart stopped. The cause of death is still unknown.

"There must be an autopsy to find out about it," says Agneta Spaton Norqvist at the hospital's press office.

It was the second player death this season in the Swedish leagues, and it was the second time this season that Brannstrom had collapsed. In a practice match in February, he was unconscious for 30 seconds before he was taken to hospital. There was nothing found wrong in the testing back then.

In an interview with Expressen after the February incident, he admitted he was a little apprehensive about training again.

More when we know more...

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