Thursday, September 6, 2012

Maryland Legislator vs. Ravens player on same sex marriage


Yeah, you are probably asking yourself after reading the headline WTF?

According to a report by Maryland TV Station WBAL, Maryland legislator Emmett Burns is angry at Brendon Ayanbadejo.

The reason, Ayanbadejo made public his support for Maryland's same-sex marriage law.

That law will be put to Maryland voters in November.

It appears, Mr. Burns took umbrage with Ayanbadejo's stance and wrote a letter to Ravens owner Steve Bisciotti complaining about it. Among Mr. Burns's statments..."I believe Mr. Ayanbadejo should concentrate on football and steer clear of dividing the fan base."He added, "I am requesting that you take the necessary action as a NFL Franchise owner, to inhibit such expressions from you employee and that he be ordered to cease and desist such injurious actions."

Seriously? You actually made this public Mr. Burns?

Read the whole letter courtesy WBAL RIGHT HERE

It appears Mr. Burns's ire was raised when he saw this video posted on YouTube by a group called Marylanders for Marriage Equality:

Okay. Before anybody chimes in with Political Rhetoric, this isn't about that. Whether you support it or are against it is your choice and nobody else's.

No, the issue here is with what Mr. Burns is trying to tell the Ravens.

Who exactly does he think Ayanbadejo speak for? And what qualifies Mr. Burns to say any "Employer" should inhibit the "Free Speech" expressions from an employee?

Last we least as of right now, Ayanbadejo and anyone else who wants to take a stance about an issue has a right to do it. Politicians, least of all, the small minded ones like Mr. Burns have no place saying what he said. Does he consider the Ravens Linebacker a slave? Does he consider him a simple minded minion?

Really, this pisses us off, a lot!

What we or anyone else feels about a political issue is OUR business, not anyone else's. It make us beyond angry to see how POLARIZED everyone has become over political issues. Whether they are right or wrong is irrelevant, people have a right to their opinion. It ANGERS us to no end that politicians have resorted to absolute pandering to the lowest common denominator. We actually saw a "Radio Host" post on his Facebook page that Democrats shouldn't be able to celebrate July 4th because they weren't qualified to have a patriotic voice. Really, it was said.

We aren't taking sides in this, both are guilty of senseless name calling, outlandish statements and basically saying that anyone not with us, is the ENEMY. We all live in the same country folks and for generations, we may not have agreed, but we agreed that everyone is entitled to their own opinion that we all were allowed to have our own beliefs.

But politicians like Mr. Burns, if they get there way, we'll become a mindless society that persecutes anyone who isn't like minded. And if that doesn't make you angry or worried, well, then, you probably are long past anyone helping you.

Sorry for the rant.

For some reason all we could think of when we read this about Mr. Emmett Burns, was this:

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