Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Texas A&M talking smack to Florida (Updated)


It appears the billboard in question here has been removed.

According to a twit pic from USA Today sports reporter Rachel George who is based in Gainesville, the board is now generic, painted blue and says "The Choice is Clear".

She quotes Clear Channel as stating some sort of nebulous "Trademark" issue. We say that knowing full well that Clear Channel is lacking a bit...in shall we say...spine...

No, really SEC fans, they are.

Much respect to the folks in College Station, Texas who take their football seriously.

Very seriously.

So much so that early this morning some University of Florida fans got a bit of a surprise.

That's surprise showed up on a billboard at the intersection of 13th St and 53rd ave. You can see said billboard on the upper left.

It says "You've been annexed by the Aggie Nation."

For their part, the school disavows any knowledge of how the billboard got there, chalking it up to some eager fans or boosters.

But either way, we like the chutzpah. It may not be enough to get them the win, but it most definitely brings a little fun and a lot of smack to the normally over-cautious and well-guarded SEC.

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